Trending would lead you to court

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أغسطس 12, 2021

Content makers on social media platforms such as “Tik Tok”, “Likee” and “YouTube” seek to attract viewers and increase interaction with their content, to achieve fame and profit on the Internet. But their entry into the “Trend” has become a path to prison in Egypt, which is a violation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 65 of the Egyptian Constitution.

The rapid wide-spread circulation of content drive many users to demand prosecuting these content creators just because they introduce different ideas. There is also the role of the Monitoring and Analysis Unit of the Public Prosecution, which pushed some content makers to prison such as; Hanin Hosam, Mawaddah Al-Adham, Sama Al-Masry, and the photographer Abdullah Juma, and others.

This paper discusses the abuse of social media users over those who disagree with them in opinions, ideas or even the methods to express ideas and beliefs. It also highlights the role of the Public Prosecution in supporting the trending repressive opinions to make citizens monitor and report each other, and confront differences of opinion with reporting different opinion holders which might lead to prison.

It also deals with the mechanism for reporting crimes in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedures; the occurrence of harm is the reason that would enable a person to file a complaint. But the prosecution decided to play the role of censorship and monitoring society which helped the emergence of social media groups of users supporting this approach and their mere comments on the Public Prosecution's Facebook page are being considered official complaints.

This paper traced the Monitoring and Guidance Unit of communication and Social media, which was established by the Public Prosecution in November 2019. It also included an analysis of all Public Prosecution public statements that included a role for the unit since its establishment until the end of May 2021.

The unit played a positive role in monitoring a number of crimes, including the case of assault against the Maadi girl, and the case of Ahmed Bassam Zaki, but on the other hand, it played a negative role in monitoring the morals of society and restricting freedom of opinion, expression and creativity through its reports on some citizens and content creators, on which investigation and referral for trial was based.

The paper uses example of cases of some content creators, which ended with imprisonment and fines or still in courts, to emphasize that differences of opinion, methods of expression and trending issues could be turned into a path to trial and imprisonment. These cases included for example those of Hanin Hosam, Sama Al-Masry, Ashraf Hamdi, and Menna Abdel Aziz.

The paper ends with recommendations to enhance freedom of opinion and expression, the right to disagree with content without prosecuting and imprisoning its owner. It also stresses the need to respect the right to privacy, and not use elastic legal texts to prosecute content creators on social media platforms..... for more details click here

المركز الاقليمي للحقوق والحريات

المركز الاقليمى للحقوق و الحريات هى مؤسسة قانونية مصرية تأسست وفقا للاحكام القانون فى يناير 2016 على يد مجموعة من نشطاء حقوق الانسان الشباب حيث تضم مجموعة من المحامين و الباحثين و يعملون من اجل الدفاع عن حقوق الانسان فى مصر و الاقليم و الذين يتخذون من مبادئ حقوق الانسان مرجعا و من العمل السلمى منهجا لضمان حرية الفرد و كرامته . يسعى المركز للوصول إلى مجتمع منفتح وعادل يتيح حرية البحث عن المعلومات وخلق الأفكار وتلقيها والتعبير عنها وتبادلها مع الآخرين دون خوف أو تدخل ظالم من الدولة وذلك بتمكين أفراد المجتمع ومساعدتهم في الحصول على حقوقهم والتمتع بحرياتهم بتمثيل احتياجاتهم أمام الجهات المسؤولة والتأكيد على ضرورة الالتزام بحقوق الانسان وسيادة القانون.

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